WSH Shell : Présentation générale
Écrit par Gilles LAURENT   

Aperçu des fonctionnalités de la console WSH Shell

Présentation générale de la console

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6                                   
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Tous droits réservés.            
 _ _ _  ___  _ _   ___  _         _  _                                          
| | | |/ __>| | | / __>| |_  ___ | || |                                         
| | | |\__ \|   | \__ \| . |/ ._>| || |                                         
|__/_/ <___/|_|_| <___/|_|_|\___.|_||_|                                         
Windows Script Host (WSH) Shell v1.0.0.5 starting ...                           
Registering components ...                                                      
Loading external modules ...                                                    
  Loading ...                                                      
  Loading ...                                                       
  Loading ...                                                       
Welcome ...                                                                     
It's 03/10/2007 13:45:15 and WSH Shell is up !                                  
WSH D:\Test> ' la console instancie automatiquement la classe WSHShell          
WSH D:\Test> ' cette classe est disponible via l'objet shell                    
WSH D:\Test> WScript.Echo TypeName(shell)                                       
WSH D:\Test> ' cet objet possède des propriétés et des méthodes                 
WSH D:\Test> ' il est possible d'afficher les membres en faisant appel          
WSH D:\Test> ' à la méthode GetMembers                                          
WSH D:\Test> shell.GetMembers(shell)                                            
Category  Name                                                                  
--------  ----                                                                  
Function  ArrayToString (arrInputArray)                                         
Function  CreateObjectWithConstants (strProgID)                                 
Function  DownloadString (strUrl, arrRetCode)                                   
Sub       FormatTable (arrTableContent, strSortCtrl, strFilterCtrl, strColumn...
Sub       GetAlias (strAlias)                                                   
Sub       GetConstants (Object)                                                 
Function  GetFileContent (strFilename)                                          
Sub       GetMembers (Object)                                                   
Sub       Include (strFilename)                                                 
Function  Match (strString, strPattern)                                         
Sub       SetAlias (strAlias, strCommand)                                       
Function  SortArray (arrInputArray)                                             
Sub       StartShell ()                                                         
Sub       StopShell ()                                                          
Function  StringToArray (strInputString)                                        
Property  bDebug                                                                
Property  hWnd                                                                  
Property  Name                                                                  
Property  nTableColumnWidth                                                     
Property  Path                                                                  
Property  Pid                                                                   
Property  strDelims                                                             
Property  strTableFieldSep                                                      
Property  Tid                                                                   
Property  Version                                                               
WSH D:\Test> ' dans le but d'accélerer la saisie des commandes, la console      
WSH D:\Test> ' supporte la définition d'alias                                   
WSH D:\Test> ' affichage des alias définis par défaut                           
WSH D:\Test> shell.GetAlias "*"                                                 
Alias    Definition                                                             
-----    ----------                                                             
%        For Each                                                               
@        Shell.StringToArray                                                    
\$       Shell.ArrayToString                                                    
{        `                                                                      
}        Next                                                                   
co       Shell.CreateObjectWithConstants                                        
echo     WScript.Echo                                                           
foreach  For Each                                                               
ft       Shell.FormatTable                                                      
ga       Shell.GetAlias                                                         
gc       Shell.GetConstants                                                     
gfc      Shell.GetFileContent                                                   
gm       Shell.GetMembers                                                       
go       GetObject                                                              
quit     Shell.StopShell                                                        
sa       Shell.SetAlias                                                         
write    WScript.StdOut.Write                                                   
WSH D:\Test> ' il est donc possible d'écrire la commande suivante               
WSH D:\Test> Set oFs=co("Scripting.FileSystemObject")                           
WSH D:\Test> gm(oFs)                                                            
Category  Name                                                                  
--------  ----                                                                  
Function  BuildPath (Path, Name)                                                
Sub       CopyFile (Source, Destination, [OverWriteFiles])                      
Sub       CopyFolder (Source, Destination, [OverWriteFiles])                    
Function  CreateFolder (Path)                                                   
Function  CreateTextFile (FileName, [Overwrite], [Unicode])                     
Sub       DeleteFile (FileSpec, [Force])                                        
Sub       DeleteFolder (FolderSpec, [Force])                                    
Function  DriveExists (DriveSpec)                                               
Function  FileExists (FileSpec)                                                 
Function  FolderExists (FolderSpec)                                             
Function  GetAbsolutePathName (Path)                                            
Function  GetBaseName (Path)                                                    
Function  GetDrive (DriveSpec)                                                  
Function  GetDriveName (Path)                                                   
Function  GetExtensionName (Path)                                               
Function  GetFile (FilePath)                                                    
Function  GetFileName (Path)                                                    
Function  GetFileVersion (FileName)                                             
Function  GetFolder (FolderPath)                                                
Function  GetParentFolderName (Path)                                            
Function  GetSpecialFolder (SpecialFolder)                                      
Function  GetStandardStream (StandardStreamType, [Unicode])                     
Function  GetTempName ()                                                        
Sub       MoveFile (Source, Destination)                                        
Sub       MoveFolder (Source, Destination)                                      
Function  OpenTextFile (FileName, [IOMode], [Create], [Format])                 
Property  Drives                                                                
WSH D:\Test> ' les constantes sont automatiquement importées                    
WSH D:\Test> echo ForReading                                                    
WSH D:\Test> ' la saisie des blocs de commandes peut se faire de plusieurs      
WSH D:\Test> ' manières.                                                        
WSH D:\Test> ' la méthode classique 'multilignes' :                             
WSH D:\Test> For i=1 To 5 `                                                     
  >> write i & " "                                                              
  >> Next                                                                       
1 2 3 4 5                                                                       
WSH D:\Test> ' la première ligne d'un bloc se termine obligatoirement par       
WSH D:\Test> ' le caractère "`". Le bloc de commandes est exécuté après la      
WSH D:\Test> ' première ligne vide rencontrée                                   
WSH D:\Test> ' en utilisant les alias :                                         
WSH D:\Test> For i=1 To 5 {                                                     
  >> write i & " "                                                              
  >> }                                                                          
1 2 3 4 5                                                                       
WSH D:\Test> ' une autre méthode consiste à utiliser le caractère de séparation 
WSH D:\Test> ' des commandes ":". Un avantage de cette technique est de         
WSH D:\Test> ' faciliter le rappel de commande et ainsi d'être en mesure de     
WSH D:\Test> ' rejouer le bloc plus facilement via le support Doskey :          
WSH D:\Test> For i=1 To 5: write i & " ": Next                                  
1 2 3 4 5                                                                       
WSH D:\Test> ' la console permet de simplifier quelques actions                 
WSH D:\Test> ' par exemple la mise en page sous forme de tableau                
WSH D:\Test> Dim arrUsers(5)                                                    
WSH D:\Test> ' définition des colonnes                                          
WSH D:\Test> arrUsers(0)="Lastname|Firstname|Age|Country"                       
WSH D:\Test> ' alimentation du tableau                                          
WSH D:\Test> arrUsers(1)="Doe|John|36|USA"                                      
WSH D:\Test> arrUsers(2)="Smith|Bob|18|Canada"                                  
WSH D:\Test> arrUsers(3)="Dupont|Marc|24|France"                                
WSH D:\Test> arrUsers(4)="Eliot|Billy|25|United Kingdom"                        
WSH D:\Test> arrUsers(5)="Laurent|Gilles|36|France"                             
WSH D:\Test> ' définition du séparateur de colonnes                             
WSH D:\Test> shell.strTableFieldSep="|"                                         
WSH D:\Test> ' affichage des données                                            
WSH D:\Test> ' utilisation de la méthode FormatTable (alias ft)                 
WSH D:\Test> ft arrUsers,"","","*"                                              
Lastname  Firstname  Age  Country                                               
--------  ---------  ---  -------                                               
Doe       John       36   USA                                                   
Smith     Bob        18   Canada                                                
Dupont    Marc       24   France                                                
Eliot     Billy      25   United Kingdom                                        
Laurent   Gilles     36   France                                                
WSH D:\Test> ' il est possible de trier les colonnes                            
WSH D:\Test> ft arrUsers,"Lastname","","*"                                      
Lastname  Firstname  Age  Country                                               
--------  ---------  ---  -------                                               
Doe       John       36   USA                                                   
Dupont    Marc       24   France                                                
Eliot     Billy      25   United Kingdom                                        
Laurent   Gilles     36   France                                                
Smith     Bob        18   Canada                                                
WSH D:\Test> ft arrUsers,"Age Desc","","*"                                      
Lastname  Firstname  Age  Country                                               
--------  ---------  ---  -------                                               
Laurent   Gilles     36   France                                                
Doe       John       36   USA                                                   
Eliot     Billy      25   United Kingdom                                        
Dupont    Marc       24   France                                                
Smith     Bob        18   Canada                                                
WSH D:\Test> ' pour obtenir de l'aide sur les méthodes et propriétés ainsi      
WSH D:\Test> ' que sur les fonctions builtin                                    
WSH D:\Test> _gethelp                                                           
Name                       Category  Synopsis                                   
----                       --------  --------                                   
_break                     builtin   Aborts the current statement, like CTRL/...
_cleanlss                  builtin   Deletes all defined (Dim'ed) variables s...
_gethelp                   builtin   Provides help and usage information abou...
_loadhistory               builtin   Loads console command history from a fil...
_more                      builtin   Displays one screen of output at a time.   
_nomore                    builtin   Enables automatic page scrolling.          
_nowrap                    builtin   Disables automatic line wrapping. The ou...
_savehistory               builtin   Saves console command history to a file.   
_screensnap                builtin   Takes a console screen buffer snapshot a...
_starttranscript           builtin   Starts a new transcript. All input and o...
_stoptranscript            builtin   Stops and closes the currently started t...
_wrap                      builtin   Enables automatic line wrapping. The out...
ArrayToString              Function  Combines substrings (elements) of an arr...
bDebug                     Property  Enables or disables the internal debug m...
CreateObjectWithConstants  Function  Creates and returns a reference to an Au...
DownloadString             Function  Opens an HTTP connection to a server at ...
FormatTable                Sub       Takes a data array on input and formats ...
GetAlias                   Sub       Returns a list of your WSH Shell aliases.  
GetConstants               Sub       Returns the constants defined for the sp...
GetFileContent             Function  Puts a file content into an array of lin...
GetMembers                 Sub       Gets the members (methods and properties...
hWnd                       Property  The WSH Shell console window handle.       
Include                    Sub       Loads and execute a VBScript file in the...
Match                      Function  Determines whether the search pattern oc...
Name                       Property  The WSH Shell name (aka 'Windows Script ...
nTableColumnWidth          Property  Defines the maximum width of a table for...
Path                       Property  Returns the full path from which the cur...
Pid                        Property  Returns the WSH Shell console Process Id.  
SetAlias                   Sub       Creates or changes an alias (alternate n...
SortArray                  Function  Takes a strings array on input and retur...
StartShell                 Sub       Starts the Windows Script Host (WSH) She...
StopShell                  Sub       Stops the Windows Script Host (WSH) Shel...
strDelims                  Property  Gets or sets the array/string delimiter....
StringToArray              Function  Takes a string value on input and return...
strTableFieldSep           Property  Specifies the field/column separator. Us...
Tid                        Property  Returns the WSH Shell console Thread Id.   
Version                    Property  Returns the WSH Shell current release ve...
wshAdsi                    HelpFile  WSH Adsi Methods and Properties            
wshCmdLine                 HelpFile  WSH Command Line Parameters                
wshIni                     HelpFile  WSH Ini Methods and Properties             
wshShell                   HelpFile  WSH Shell Methods and Properties           
wshWmi                     HelpFile  WSH Wmi Methods and Properties             
WSH D:\Test> ' Enjoy !                                                          
WSH D:\Test>                                                                    

Dernière mise à jour : ( 03-10-2007 )