WSH Shell : Les modules externes
Écrit par Gilles LAURENT   

Aperçu des fonctionnalités de la console WSH Shell

Intégration d'un module externe

Les modules externes permettent d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités à la console WSH Shell. Ces modules sont automatiquement chargés au démarrage de la console et donc directement accessibles. Ils peuvent être développés selon deux formats distincts :

  • Le format "standard" représenté par des fonctions et procédures
  • Le format "objet" représenté par une classe contenant des méthodes et des propriétés. Ce format est à privilégier.

Les modules externes sont stockés dans le sous-dossier \Include. Il doivent respecter la règle de nommage suivante :


Les modules externes devront impérativement être accompagnés d'une documentation, même succincte, dans le but de documenter les méthodes et propriétés des classes instanciées. Les fichiers d'aide au format XML seront déposés dans le sous-dossier \Help et respecteront la règle de nommage suivante :


NOTE: Le format XML des fichiers d'aide sera documenté dans un autre article.

Ci-dessous un exemple de module externe développé dans le format objet. Ce module expose une seule méthode "GetScores" qui a pour but d'extraire d'une page HTML les résultats des Microsoft Scripting Games 2007.

Note: Inspiré du MVP PowerShell /\/\o\/\/

'	Windows Script Host (WSH) Shell
'	(c) 2007 Gilles LAURENT
'	wshScriptingGames Class v1.0.0.1

Option Explicit

Class WSHScriptingGames

' =========================
' =========================

   Private oFs, oRe

' =========================
' =========================

   Public Property Get Version ()

      Version = oRe.Execute ( _
	oFs.OpenTextFile ("Include\", 1, False).ReadAll ())(0).SubMatches (0)

   End Property

' =========================
' =========================

   Private Sub Class_Initialize ()

      ' initialisation des objets
      Set oFs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Set oRe = New RegExp

      ' définition des propriétés de l'expression régulière
      oRe.IgnoreCase = True
      oRe.Multiline = False
      oRe.Global = True

   End Sub

   Private Sub Class_Terminate ()

      ' libération des objets
      Set oFs = Nothing
      Set oRe = Nothing

   End Sub

' =========================
' =========================

   Public Function GetScores (strHtmlContent)

      ' déclaration des variables	
      Dim oMatch
      Dim colMatches
      Dim arrLines(): ReDim arrLines(0)
      Dim i, j: j=0

      oRe.Pattern = "l" & Chr(34) & ">(.*?)
      arrLines(0) = Replace ( _
	"Name|Country|E1|E2|E3|E4|E5|E6|E7|E8|E9|E10|Total|", "|", Shell.strTableFieldSep)

      Set colMatches = oRe.Execute (strHtmlContent)
      For i=13 to colMatches.count-1
         Set oMatch = colMatches (i)
         If i Mod 13=0 Then
            arrLines(j) = Left(arrLines(j), Len(arrLines(j))-1)
            ReDim Preserve arrLines(j)
         End If
         arrLines(j)=arrLines(j) & oMatch.SubMatches(0) & Shell.strTableFieldSep         

      arrLines(j) = Left(arrLines(j), Len(arrLines(j))-1)
      GetScores = arrLines

   End Function

End Class

Démarrage de la console WSH Shell après avoir déposé le module externe

dans le sous-dossier \Include :

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6                                   
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Tous droits réservés.            
 _ _ _  ___  _ _   ___  _         _  _                                          
| | | |/ __>| | | / __>| |_  ___ | || |                                         
| | | |\__ \|   | \__ \| . |/ ._>| || |                                         
|__/_/ <___/|_|_| <___/|_|_|\___.|_||_|                                         
Windows Script Host (WSH) Shell v1.0.0.5 starting ...                           
Registering components ...                                                      
Loading external modules ...                                                    
  Loading ...                                                      
  Loading ...                                                       
  Loading ...                                            
  Loading ...                                                       
Welcome ...                                                                     
It's 07/10/2007 18:46:11 and WSH Shell is up !                                  
WSH D:\Test> ' notre nouveau module est bien présent dans la liste des modules  
WSH D:\Test> ' automatiquement chargés. Il ne reste plus qu'à créer une         
WSH D:\Test> ' instance pour en bénéficier                                      
WSH D:\Test> Set oSG=New wshScriptingGames                                      
WSH D:\Test> ' détermination des membres (méthodes et propriétés)               
WSH D:\Test> gm(oSG)                                                            
Category  Name                                                                  
--------  ----                                                                  
Function  GetScores (strHtmlContent)                                            
Property  Version                                                               
WSH D:\Test> ' on retrouve bien ici notre méthode "GetScores"                   
WSH D:\Test> ' lecture de la page HTML des résultats VBScript Advanced          
WSH D:\Test> ' cette page est disponible à l'adresse suivante :                 
WSH D:\Test> '      
WSH D:\Test> ' /games07/vbascores.mspx                                          
WSH D:\Test> ' here we go !                                                     
WSH D:\Test> strHtmlPage=DownloadString("" & _  
  >> "/scriptcenter/funzone/games/games07/vbascores.mspx", arrRetCode)          
WSH D:\Test> ' la variable de type tableau "arrRetCode" passée comme argument   
WSH D:\Test> ' contient le code de retour de la requête HTTP                    
WSH D:\Test> echo $(arrRetCode)                                                 
WSH D:\Test> ' à priori tout est en ordre :-)                                   
WSH D:\Test> ' nous allons maintenant formater les données "brutes" avec        
WSH D:\Test> ' notre méthode "GetScores"                                        
WSH D:\Test> arrScores=oSG.GetScores(strHtmlPage)                               
WSH D:\Test> ' quel était le nombre de participants ?                           
WSH D:\Test> echo UBound(arrScores) + 0                                         
WSH D:\Test> ' NOTE: (+ 0) car le tableau formaté contient également la         
WSH D:\Test> ' définition des colonnes                                          
WSH D:\Test> ' affichage sous forme de tableau des scores                       
WSH D:\Test> ft arrScores,"","","Name|Country|Total"                            
Name                              Country                      Total            
----                              -------                      -----            
Alan Dunbar                       Canada                       100              
Alan Mosley                       Australia                    100              
Alan Roberson                     USA                          100              
Alex Duckworth                    Australia                    100              
AlioTheFool                       USA                          100              
Ben Simkins                       Switzerland                  100              
Blackhawk                         Canada                       100              
Bob Stammers                      No Affiliation               100              
Chris Bland                       Canada                       100              
Chris Osborne                     USA                          100              
Christian Pfeiffer                Austria                      100              
Clifford Williamson, III          USA                          100              
Clinton Huff                      USA                          100              
Courtney Newman                   USA                          100              
Craig Naumann                     Australia                    100              
Curtis J. O'Connell               USA                          100              
Dan Richardson                    USA                          100              
Darren Malik                      USA                          100              
Dave E                            United Kingdom               100              
Dave Rosen                        Israel                       100              
Dave Wyatt                        USA                          100              
David Coles                       Australia                    100              
Dennis G. Landsem                 Norway                       100              
djhayman                          Australia                    100              
DrBayer                           Vandyland                    100              
Ed Z                              USA                          100              
Eelco Ligtvoet                    The Netherlands              100              
Eric Payne                        USA                          100              
Erik Renes                        The Netherlands              100              
Fábio de Paula Junior             Brazil                       100              
Francis de la Cerna               USA                          100              
Frank den Haan                    The Netherlands              100              
Frank Fattizzi                    USA                          100              
Fred Jenkins                      USA                          100              
Geoffrey Grinton                  Australia                    100              
Gilles LAURENT                    France                       100              
Gordon Yuen                       Bmraarykduesn                100              
Gyorgy Nemesmagasi                Hungary                      100              
H. S.                             Denmark                      100              
H2Data                            Australia                    100              
Helder Sepulveda                  Cuba Libre                   100              
Homer Yu                          ITExpert                     100              
Hong Quan YU                      China                        100              
Imran Hashim                      Pakistan                     100              
Jakub Niedzwiedz                  Poland                       100              
James Ward                        USA                          100              
Jan Kuvaja                        Sweden                       100              
Jarno Mäki                        Finland                      100              
Jason Clement                     USA                          100              
Jason Joy                         USA                          100              
Jean - JMST                       Belgium                      100              
Jerry G                           USA                          100              
Jerzy Prusinski                   Poland                       100              
John Medwid                       DSG                          100              
John Reichenbach                  USA                          100              
Josh Bradbury                     Kazakhstan                   100              
Luis Martín Caballero             Spain                        100              
Marcus L. Farmer                  USA                          100              
Mark B                            USA                          100              
Matthew R. Davis                  USA                          100              
Matto                             Australia                    100              
Maureen Farrell                   USA                          100              
Michaela Doil                     Germany                      100              
micra                             Poland                       100              
Mike Holden                       Albania                      100              
Miles Willmek                     Canada                       100              
MrRat                             USA                          100              
Nick Ford                         England                      100              
Patrick Donahue                   USA                          100              
Patrick O'Connell                 USA                          100              
Paul M Marshall                   Australia                    100              
Peacerich Timecastle              Sweden                       100              
Robert Moore                      New Zealand                  100              
Russ Pitcher                      England                      100              
Russell Smith                     USA                          100              
ScriptingGuys-TargetChapter       Targetopia                   100              
Stefan Suesser                    Germany                      100              
Stephen Coombes                   USA                          100              
Steve Kulyk                       Canada                       100              
SUF                               Hungary                      100              
Tim Laqua                         USA                          100              
Tobias Reinwald                   Germany                      100              
wa ayoub                          No Affiliation               100              
Willem van Egmond                 The Netherlands              100              
Anoop Puthan Veetil               India                        95               
Brad Schafbuch                    USA                          95               
Des Finkenzeller                  United Kingdom               95               
Jens Frieben                      Germany                      95               
Natan Kahana                      Israel                       95               
Rob Shannon                       Australia                    95               
Sean Wheeler                      USA                          95               
Andre Starkloff                   Germany                      94               
Daniel Laurel                     USA                          94               
CHig                              USA                          93               
Chris Hollenbeck                  USA                          93               
Nagy János                        Hungary                      93               
Chuck Webb                        USA                          92               
Daniel Carr                       Canada                       92               
Daniel Grundel                    USA                          92               
Sidewinder                        Dataland                     92               
Brian Carr                        Scotland                     91               
Ronen Shurer                      Israel                       91               
Andy Sturycz                      USA                          90               
Drew Monrad                       Canada                       90               
Kris VG                           Belgium                      90               
Mark McGilly                      Ireland                      90               
Muhammad Faheem Sarani            Pakistan                     90               
Pavol Popovic                     USA                          90               
Peter J Harrison                  United Kingdom               90               
Seth Levenberg                    No Affiliation               90               
Simon Dalling                     England                      90               
ydy                               Switzerland                  90               
Micho Janssen                     South Africa                 89               
Miguel Alvarez                    Spain                        89               
Paul Cook                         Australia                    89               
Rubens Farias                     Brazil                       88               
Shane W                           Australia                    88               
Simon Ledo                        USA                          88               
Reinhard Lehrbaum                 Austria                      87               
Shannon Turner                    USA                          87               
Abdyushev Pavel                   Russia                       85               
Chris Davidson                    USA                          85               
Chris Hanlon                      USA                          85               
DrJohnM                           USA                          85               
Greg Hovey                        Qatar                        85               
Joe Matyaz                        USA                          85               
Masami Motohashi                  Japan                        85               
Rob van der Woude                 The Netherlands              85               
WYN                               Canada                       85               
C.M.Burnes                        Germany                      84               
Raja Mohamad Fairuz               Malaysia                     83               
Tom Rodgers                       USA                          83               
Kasey Nichols                     USA                          82               
Maz                               United Kingdom               82               
Roland Indra                      Austria                      82               
gamabyte                          USA                          80               
ljfong                            Kara-Tur                     80               
Robert Dunham (Nilpo)             USA                          80               
Tim Genge                         United Kingdom               80               
Bob Trapp                         USA                          79               
Julio Garcia                      United Kingdom               78               
Jim Wells                         USA                          77               
pake73                            Sweden                       77               
Arden Pineda                      Winterfell                   76               
Carl Dockum                       USA                          75               
Chris H (C2)                      USA                          75               
Greg Haak                         USA                          75               
Lance Montana                     Vanuatu                      75               
Rafael T                          Ryukyu                       75               
Ritchie Trewin                    Australia                    75               
Shay Levy                         Israel                       75               
Mrk                               Guatemala                    74               
The un1337 one                    Hyrule                       73               
Jaroslav Strunc                   Czech Republic               72               
Andrew Chuvahin                   Ukraine                      70               
Colet Robin                       No Affiliation               70               
EvEm_Relic                        Australia                    70               
Mike Marr                         Canada                       70               
Peter Sarf                        Slovenia                     70               
Richard Horne                     USA                          70               
Stef R                            No Affiliation               70               
Tracy Cook                        USA                          70               
Vinod Dadhe                       India                        70               
Jonas Nywall                      Sweden                       68               
Darren Palmer                     USA                          67               
Chris Swinford, Idea Integration  USA                          65               
Daniel Gooderidge                 Australia                    65               
Kevin Thompson                    Canada                       65               
TLH                               USA                          65               
Karl Juskevice                    USA                          64               
Fernando Peralta                  Uruguay                      63               
Aaron Mann                        USA                          60               
Alexander Chernov                 Ukraine                      60               
Assaf Miron                       Israel                       60               
Vincent "Jaf" Bonnet              France                       60               
Volker Schindler                  Germany                      60               
Yujiro Ogihara                    Japan                        60               
Langhans Michael                  Germany                      59               
Andy Neilson                      United Republic Of Writonia  58               
Stephen Correia - tumtum73        USA                          58               
rlrcstr                           USA                          57               
Glynn Williams                    England                      56               
Adam Richards                     Cubicletania                 55               
David Neufeld                     Canada                       55               
Erik G. Bitemo                    Hungary                      55               
Ismael Serrano                    USA                          55               
Joe Ostrander                     USA                          55               
Unmesh Gundecha                   India                        54               
Mark Jansen                       The Netherlands              51               
Vladimir Stepic                   Macedonia                    50               
Chris Griffiths                   Australia                    45               
Joshua Taylor                     USA                          45               
Matthew Kelly                     New Zealand                  45               
Sysadmin Stickler                 USA                          43               
Chris Barber                      USA                          41               
DS316                             Scotland                     40               
Frodekommode                      Norway                       40               
Marjolein Jongstra                The Netherlands              40               
Roy Darnell                       USA                          40               
Christopher G. Lewis              USA                          38               
Dick Salmon                       USA                          35               
Krzysztof Bloniarz                Poland                       35               
Tom Glowacki                      USA                          35               
Witchakorn Kamolpornwijit         Thailand                     35               
Tomislav Herceg                   Croatia                      31               
Dwight Trimble                    Canada                       30               
Fredrik Wall                      Sweden                       30               
impeeza                           Colombia                     30               
Michael Gunther                   No Affiliation               30               
Milo Gancarz                      Canada                       30               
N3QGO                             USA                          30               
Necip TOMURCUK                    Turkey                       30               
Olivier Dalla Rosa                France                       30               
Patrick Massey                    USA                          30               
rrizzo                            USA                          30               
Vinod Panikar                     Singapore                    29               
Josh Fitzgerald                   USA                          28               
Bushwhacker                       Kurdistan                    25               
David M. Williams                 Australia                    25               
Guy Melamed                       Israel                       25               
Jason Scheffelmaer                USA                          25               
Jason Yeo                         Australia                    25               
Milorad Nikolic                   Austria                      25               
Nelnandez                         USA                          25               
qsilverx                          England                      25               
Richard Manion                    USA                          25               
Ryan Youngs                       USA                          25               
Daniel Trochez                    Colombia                     20               
Jon Warnken                       Hohenwald                    20               
newton3010                        Gerald Smith                 20               
Oko Da                            No Affiliation               20               
rwizard54                         USA                          20               
S Coleman                         USA                          20               
Thomas Westrick                   USA                          20               
Brett Volkmer                     Australia                    15               
Emilio Raggi                      United Arab Emirates         15               
George Entecott                   England                      15               
JustKillinTime                    Canada                       15               
Raphael Simmons aka Dejacpp       USA                          15               
RasmusVoss                        Denmark                      15               
Rudi                              Germany                      15               
Sankar Muthaiah                   India                        15               
Steve Mellor                      Scotland                     15               
Chris Ferony                      USA                          13               
David Linker                      Australia                    12               
Antony Smoothey                   England                      10               
Blahcubed                         USA                          10               
EZ                                USA                          10               
Flavius                           Romania                      10               
Joe Roten                         USA                          10               
Kevin Tavera                      USA                          10               
Rhoderick Milne                   United Kingdom               10               
Tim May                           USA                          10               
Yuri Kutovoy                      Russia                       10               
David Saxon                       United Kingdom               5                
Greg Bugg                         USA                          5                
Kent Finkle                       USA                          5                
kevshaw                           USA                          5                
Lukas Kucera                      Czech Republic               5                
Matt Farrington                   USA                          5                
Paul Waite                        USA                          5                
Siddharth Nivargi                 India                        5                
WSH D:\Test> ' sélection des participants Français                              
WSH D:\Test> ft arrScores,"","Country Like 'Fr*'","Name|Country|Total"          
Name                              Country                      Total            
----                              -------                      -----            
Gilles LAURENT                    France                       100              
Vincent "Jaf" Bonnet              France                       60               
Olivier Dalla Rosa                France                       30               
WSH D:\Test> ' Ah oui ! C'est vrai ! J'ai participé aux Scripting Games 2007    
WSH D:\Test> ' de plus les Scripting Guys viennent de m'annoncer (par voie de   
WSH D:\Test> ' messagerie) que je vais recevoir prochainement la tant convoitée 
WSH D:\Test> ' "Dr. Scripto Bobblehead Doll" !                                  
WSH D:\Test> ' Enjoy !                                                          
WSH D:\Test>                                                                    

Dernière mise à jour : ( 08-10-2007 )